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Grumpy Forever!

Saturday, 20 May 2023

The LNP, The Gift That Keeps On Grifting...

A short post. A grumpy post. And a post-Scummo post. We're still seeing his government's footprints all over everything. If only there was some way to obliterate them entirely from the face of the planet and from history, them and their ilk.

There's seemingly no effing end to the efforts of those LNP effers to eff up the effing country for effing decades. Their venal machinations to keep the graft bucks flowing into their pockets. They really should all be heading for a penal colon - . . . I beg your pardon, detainment facility - to be forgotten for a few decades, preferably long enough for their illnesses and/or age to see them into the grave like they did to thousands of suffering asbestos miners in the past. 

This Is The Way.

The rest of that article is actually great news. Operators of solar and wind energy plant and power grids, as well as installers of rooftop solar and home batteries, will now be able to get stuff done without the months and years of hoops they've been forced to undertake under the ESB's long-winded, obstructionary, and unnecessary "regulation." Labor will ditch that and start an advisory board instead that's actually designed to speed up processes. 

ESB's system of regulation was pretty much designed to bog down any new sustainable energy projects for as long as possible and extend the debauchery of snouts at the coal and gas swill-trough.

(I'm not saying that the LNP and their pocket-greasing buddies in the fossil fuel cartel were stinking smelly diseased pi - . . . Err, no. Actually, I AM saying that they were stinking smelly  and diseased creatures - I just think pigs are great animals and shouldn't have to put up with being associated with bastards like that.

So kudos to Labor for opening the way.

Now Compare The Pair:

EAP = Energy Advisory Panel
ESB = Energy Security Board

The language says it all. Follow the language, people, words are important!

The EAP is a panel, a fairly informal and unrestrictive term for a fairly informal and unrestrictive organisation whose task is to advise.

The ESB is a board, a formal power authority whose responsibility is to Make Rules And Enforce Them.

And Advisory is just that, a light-hands approach to steering processes towards mutually-beneficial outcomes.

Whereas charging a Board to act in the interests of Security is a heavy-handed way to protect one's interests - and in this case the interest that the "security" aims to secure is meant to sound like the energy security of the country but really means to protect the security of the grift the government was obtaining.

Words are important, language matters...

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